Saturday, April 30, 2011
Last blogged @ 2:18 AM here i am happily saying, "i'll GLADLY take the $$ and still not vote for you". thanks for the reimbursement of the GST/inflation i paid for the past 5 years. will welcome it in another 5 years time after the next round of GST increase. yum senggggg! 0 comment Last blogged @ 1:51 AM
specifically at the aljunied GRC. "Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you." - Yoda -------------------------------------------------- if i'm under bukit-timah - holland grc, i will vote for SDP because i believe in vincent wijeysingha. if i'm under aljunied grc, i'll make sure i cross very very carefully beside the hammer logo, because i believe in low and lim. if i'm under any grc/smc that the WP is contesting, i'll vote for them because i believe in their cause for the people. but the sad truth is that i'm not under any of these constitutions. i do not agree with the opposition at my area; the last sentence in my previous post still stands, so yeah what i'm voting is pretty obvious. am i disagreeing that the current govt is not doing well? nope. in fact they are doing very well for singapore economically. why i support the WP so much is that they are not not not not not attempting to takeover from the current govt, but believe in changing/ making a better parliament with more alternative voices. i have no doubts that the WP do not oppose EVERYTHING the pap comes up with in parliament, if its good for the country AND the PEOPLE, they will not oppose for the sake of opposing. and hence for the next one week, i'm wearing blue (or red for vincent) and keeping my nails the colour of the WP. 0 comment
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Last blogged @ 3:44 PM thank you mr garment, for breaking down 'affordability' of HDB flats in yesterday's straits time.
$36 per month cash outlay for monthly installments. WAH! really affordable leh! teeny peeny sum of money out of HH income of $4600, because the rest can be fork out using our monthly CPF contribution - FOR THE NEXT 30 YEARS. assuming we get out flats when we are 28, 30 years we will be 58. THANKS HOR! reaching retirement liao and our CPF got NOTHING for retirement because for the past 30 years contribution we took it to pay the monthly installments. YAY! finally after 30 years we cleared our HDB loan!! can retire liao! and live on what? eat grass lor! not enough money to buy grass ah? hawker centre hiring elderly to clean tables leh!! how about the rest of your monthly household income, you may ask? mr garment, you forgot that we still need to pay for transport, groceries, food and PUB bills ah?and hor, need to take care of our parents leh cause they not working liao. then hor, still got min protection insurance we need to buy leh, like life/health/home insurance. (n i never include that i wish to own a car you know, just a cheaper car like toyata i happy liao, no need like you all BMW/merz leh!) like that where got extra to save in our bank (which might as well be paying zero interest) to save for retirement. eh you got discuss this with your fellow comrades in the garment not, neh the one who wants singaporean to increase fertility? no one so stupid leh! no money for my retirement liao you think i got money to have a kid in SINGAPORE ah! baby haven poop out jiu got so many fees to pay liao (you think v cheap ah!). then baby come out liao who take care? dont work where money to buy diapers and milk powder (not cheap also hor) for the baby? work liao who care for the baby? of course all these doesnt bother you, you have ur million dollar salary to fall back on, but please take a look at the 'common' people, and not the higher tiered singaporeans whom your salaries are tied to. most work to their death and wont be able to even hit half of your salary, and their salary increment (emphasis: THEIRS, not yours hor you got 60%??!!!! increment leh!) can NEVER catch up with the increase in cost of living. even if all votes are being tracked, it wont deter me from not voting for the ahgong's party. 0 comment
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Last blogged @ 4:36 PM 说者无心, 听者有意
humans. different interpretation of one behavior. i can think of the positive side and negative side of a situation, and its really up to me which one i should believe. and sadly its always the negative side. hmmmm, does that makes me a pessimist? 0 comment
Friday, April 08, 2011
Last blogged @ 1:20 AM
i really love staying in singapore, because its safe, clean, doing well economically, and politically stable. and there's no denying that our current government is responsible for making singapore prosper the way it is today. in a company, there are office politics and they can get very dirty. whats more for a country. but the article above makes me sick. 0 comment |
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