Sunday, May 30, 2010
Last blogged @ 8:23 PM last paper on tue. I can't wait for it to be over!! just want to slack the time away until tue comess! but then, i'm still under-prepared for the paper. =( doubt will be prepared by tue anyway, will have to resort to the big taboo that lecturers always emphasis - question spotting. =p
massive plans for myself for the month of june. the most impt one is regarding numbers and determination! I WILL AND I CAN!! nothing big la, changing my lifestyle to a healthier one. =p and also, looking forward to tidying up my pigsty, washing my mountain of clothes that NEEDS to be hand-washed, MJ sessions anyone?, readings (business week, newsweek and to the lib for some fiction), shopping since its the GSS (but i'm broke plus i've got 143631 clothes that i bought online and haven't tried on), and OHHHH almost slipped my mind- class registration for ACCA and modules planning for SIM. I can't wait to start a full time job. just half a year more and I'll start finding one. uncertainties and fears will be overcome, with determination (always). must face, what i eventually will face. with you(s) by my side, i'll be fine. 0 comment
Monday, May 24, 2010
Last blogged @ 1:15 PM 一辈子的祝福和承诺,收藏的地方,叫心里。
面对误解和不明白,郁郁寡欢,不如从容一笑。 因为一辈子的朋友,也叫家人。 0 comment Last blogged @ 10:33 AM goodbye HP, helllloooooo acer! =) =)
After the wireless function buanggg-ed for a year, my HP laptop fially crashed. ACER is the new love love love! =) =) good old reliable acer. =) =) =) 0 comment
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Last blogged @ 12:30 AM to sum this invisible boulder in a sentence,
"I need, and MUST grow up, but I don't know how." I used to think I'm very good at blocking away the big S, now it seems like it had never entered my life before. I'm trying all my best to face it but I really have no idea how. So it is growing into a godzilla S and it's friend, D, seems to be coming to visit. Facing S, blocking D. Facing S, blocking D. Facing S, blocking D. No, don't anyone dare to tell me that I don't have to worry about anything at this moment because I have my parents. because THAT FACT itself is stressing me up like germs multiplying. the arms that i find relieve in, will become a S one day. I don't want to wake up tomorrow, or in fact, any other days. 1 comment
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Last blogged @ 4:49 PM stressed out! by maths and stats =(
my devilish side of my brain is telling me to block everything out and just face the paper when it comes. my angelic side is coaxing me focus and attempt questions after questions in this limited time. i'm giving in to both and my head is exploding! its doing no good to my already thinning hair. major =( never been this stressed before exams. i miss accounting. cant wait to continue ACCA in july. =p --------- digressing. by speaking it aloud to one of the person i love, i realized that the greatest that one can ever be is not to earn the most money, to hold the greatest power, but the one who can love unconditionally. to love even when he disappoints. i love, conditionally. yet expecting them to love me back unconditionally. i will start with my family, because my dad, loves this family unconditionally. 0 comment
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Last blogged @ 10:41 AM famous amos's no nut chocolate chips cookies makes me happy! =)
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